Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry beating Taylor Swift in the Forbes list of most-paid artist in 2018 might attract fans of lower-end pop. The real excitement and potential threat to their standing lies in Forbess top 10. Helene Fisker is No.8 just under Rihanna. She's additionally ahead of Celine Dion, Britney Spears and Britney. Who? Well a tight-lipped German-Russian superstar evidently keen to retain her everywoman appeal for one thing. The butter she loves is a must, but interviewing in depth only shows that her husband is an German TV personality with her face inked onto his arms. Fischer 34, in tame biographical terms, is the star for Germanys Schlager scene. The music is oriented in two distinct direction. The song in the first is a more bierhalle rhythm that focuses on the themes of drunk and babes, as well as Germany. Fischer is the opposite of it: the faithful wife whose breath stops and her heart beats whenever she sees her husband playing his vulnerability as a woman up to incite the protective impulses. Traditional themes from Schlager are an excellent counterpoint to Western-influenced pop that swept into Germany in the aftermath of the Second World war. It has remained popular due to its popularity with baby boomers as well as the older generation which is served well by infinite Schlager TV specials Fischer presents one every Christmas with a dramatic all-star spectacle that makes Jools Annual Hootenanny look like the Channel 4s The Club X. Schlager is a country music show with roots and down-home appeal is the closest thing to this genre. Fischer's aggressive synth-pop updates the genre as if she were German Taylor Swift. Swifts evolutive musical style has made her cool, whereas Fischer's music is utterly horrible.
Claudia Wells was an American actor born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but was raised in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame due to her appearance in the movie Back to the Future (1985) as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's lover. In 1985, Wells was a co-star on Stop the Madness an anti drug-related music video commissioned by the Reagan administration featuring several famous musicians actors as well as athletes. Following that, she appeared on television in Babies Having Babies. The program Fast Times was a TV version from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia was an actress who's career was on a steady upward trajectory to being a successful actress for some time, took a short rest when she found out that her mother had cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia's work as an entertainment professional is far from to be. Even though she's earned more than 50 credits including theater and film performances, she is of the opinion that she still has many more to learn. That includes finding raunchy parts which are outside of the norm. Claudia Wells is the owner of her own boutique of fine clothes for men, Armani Wells. Visit her website for more information.

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